What is CCV?
Coastal Connection Vancouver is an initiative aiming to unite professionals working on assessment, research, and conservation of marine and freshwater environments for an informal evening of networking in the spectacular waterfront setting of Science Word's Eureka gallery. Our events encourage professionals to bridge gaps across sectors and organizations, share the latest developments in the field, and create synergies for future projects working towards common goals in the aquatic sciences.
Meet Our Team of Volunteer Organizers

Madeline Cashion
Madeline is a Marine Biologist at Hemmera, an environmental consultancy based here in Vancouver. She is passionate about sharks and recently completed her Masters at the UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, studying the quality and conservation impact of reported shark and ray fisheries catches in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Madeline is also interested in science communication and has worked/volunteered for organisations such as the South African Shark Conservancy, American Elasmobranch Society, Ocean Wise, and Sea Smart to learn and teach it.
Madeline is a Marine Biologist at Hemmera, an environmental consultancy based here in Vancouver. She is passionate about sharks and recently completed her Masters at the UBC Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, studying the quality and conservation impact of reported shark and ray fisheries catches in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Madeline is also interested in science communication and has worked/volunteered for organisations such as the South African Shark Conservancy, American Elasmobranch Society, Ocean Wise, and Sea Smart to learn and teach it.

Fiona Francis
Fiona is a graduate student at Simon Fraser University studying tropical marine ecosystems. Her current research focuses on the impacts of lionfish predation on nutrient pathways in Bahamian coral reef systems. She uses a combination of known species stoichiometry, bioenergetics models, and field observations to quantify rates of nutrient supply for different lionfish prey species and lionfish in order to estimate the overall impact of lionfish presence on consumer-mediated nutrient supply in Bahamian reefs.
Fiona is a graduate student at Simon Fraser University studying tropical marine ecosystems. Her current research focuses on the impacts of lionfish predation on nutrient pathways in Bahamian coral reef systems. She uses a combination of known species stoichiometry, bioenergetics models, and field observations to quantify rates of nutrient supply for different lionfish prey species and lionfish in order to estimate the overall impact of lionfish presence on consumer-mediated nutrient supply in Bahamian reefs.

Sean Godwin
Sean is a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow at Dalhousie University. He completed his PhD at Simon Fraser University and still lives in Vancouver. Sean's research focuses on the conservation of imperiled wildlife, particularly in the marine environment. Sean is a firm believer in scientific collaboration at all levels, and has strong ties with local non-profit and research organizations such as Watershed Watch Salmon Society and the Hakai Institute.
Sean is a Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow at Dalhousie University. He completed his PhD at Simon Fraser University and still lives in Vancouver. Sean's research focuses on the conservation of imperiled wildlife, particularly in the marine environment. Sean is a firm believer in scientific collaboration at all levels, and has strong ties with local non-profit and research organizations such as Watershed Watch Salmon Society and the Hakai Institute.

Lucy Harrison
Lucy is an Environmental Scientist at Stantec Consulting Ltd. where she provides project management and technical guidance for environmental assessments. She has a wide range of experiences in tropical and temperate reefs, in the field and behind a desk, policy development and IUCN Red List Assessment of sharks and rays. Lucy holds an MSc in Marine Ecology from Simon Fraser University. Lucy is also a co-founder for Coastal Connection Vancouver.
Lucy is an Environmental Scientist at Stantec Consulting Ltd. where she provides project management and technical guidance for environmental assessments. She has a wide range of experiences in tropical and temperate reefs, in the field and behind a desk, policy development and IUCN Red List Assessment of sharks and rays. Lucy holds an MSc in Marine Ecology from Simon Fraser University. Lucy is also a co-founder for Coastal Connection Vancouver.

Marina Winterbottom
True to her name, Marina lives, works, and plays on the coast. She is currently employed as a biologist at Hemmera, providing technical leadership and regulatory strategy for environmental assessments. She holds a Master’s degree in Marine Management from Dalhousie University. She has extensive research and field experience in both tropical and temperate ecosystems, and feels more comfortable in neoprene than any other outfit. Her favourite marine creature is the orange sea pen, a magnificent (and bioluminescent!) octocoral.
True to her name, Marina lives, works, and plays on the coast. She is currently employed as a biologist at Hemmera, providing technical leadership and regulatory strategy for environmental assessments. She holds a Master’s degree in Marine Management from Dalhousie University. She has extensive research and field experience in both tropical and temperate ecosystems, and feels more comfortable in neoprene than any other outfit. Her favourite marine creature is the orange sea pen, a magnificent (and bioluminescent!) octocoral.

Katelyn Zottenberg
Katelyn is born and bred in Vancouver. As youngster she spent her days in the tidal pools of the west coast which led her to a career in marine biology. She now has over 8 years of experience studying marine mammal and industry interactions. She lives for field work and has conducted marine mammal surveys in the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. She is currently working at Golder Associates in the Environmental Assessment division.
Katelyn is born and bred in Vancouver. As youngster she spent her days in the tidal pools of the west coast which led her to a career in marine biology. She now has over 8 years of experience studying marine mammal and industry interactions. She lives for field work and has conducted marine mammal surveys in the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. She is currently working at Golder Associates in the Environmental Assessment division.
Alumni Organizers
Brianne Miller
Founder, Nada Zero Waste Grocery Lindsay Davidson
Postdoctoral Fellow, UBC & Co-founder of CCV |
Dr. Natascia Tamburello
ESSA Technologies Dr. Steph Green
Banting Fellow, Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University & Co-founder of CCV |
Dr. Frances Robertson
MITACS Post Doctoral scholar, SFU Research Scientist, SMRU Consulting North America Dr. Jennifer Harding
Stream of Dreams Murals Society |