Our Blue City:
reconnecting with our urban watershed
Wednesday, November 4, 2020
6:00-7:30 pm PST
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(more Zoom details below)
CCV13 will be our first virtual event!
We are excited to be hosting these speakers for a discussion of how water moves through our urban ecosystems:
Fernando Lessa (nature photographer and storyteller, Urban Salmon Project, Fernando Lessa Photography)
Misty MacDuffee (Program Director, Wild Salmon Program, Raincoast Conservation Foundation)
Jimmy Zammar (Director, Integrated Strategy and Utility Planning, City of Vancouver - find out more about the Rain City Strategy)
We are excited to be hosting these speakers for a discussion of how water moves through our urban ecosystems:
Fernando Lessa (nature photographer and storyteller, Urban Salmon Project, Fernando Lessa Photography)
Misty MacDuffee (Program Director, Wild Salmon Program, Raincoast Conservation Foundation)
Jimmy Zammar (Director, Integrated Strategy and Utility Planning, City of Vancouver - find out more about the Rain City Strategy)
Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84207128423?pwd=RkduLzN6ZWF6YVU0Y3FsR1FGcjdVUT09
Meeting ID: 842 0712 8423
Passcode: V2u7Rs@S
Call In: (778) 907 2071 in Canada, dial in passcode 92604471
Meeting ID: 842 0712 8423
Passcode: V2u7Rs@S
Call In: (778) 907 2071 in Canada, dial in passcode 92604471